Sparkling Pear Mocktail

In collaboration with Elix Healing, we're bringing you a delightful mocktail that will brighten any celebration while helping keep your body balanced this holiday season. 

Pear is a powerful TCM food medicine known for its hydrating and cooling powers. Autumn is the season of metal and is the time when the Lungs are the most active. As a result, excessive Lung fire is common thanks to the dry weather and general air of death at this time. Traditional Chinese cuisine extensively uses pears in the autumn to counter Lung heat, adding much-needed hydration and soothing the Lungs and mucus membranes and alleviating coughs, sore throats, and dry skin. Of course, autumn and winter are also flu season, so we've added Elix's Ginger Aide for immunity boosting benefits. 

Written by Five Seasons TCM
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