TCM Hot Toddy for Immunity

Five Seasons TCM

The holiday season is in full swing; and you might be feeling a little over drawn to start, and then all the stress and potential-bug-carrying visitors pile on to open you up to any number of seasonal bugs. At this time of the year, your body is more susceptible to illness. The stress, travel, relatives, and long hours and cold take a toll on your body, and you might be feeling the symptoms of a little head cold or even the flu. If the sniffles hit you tonight, tomorrow, or heck, at any time this season, try a seasonal Hot Toddy!...

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TCM Hot Chocolate for Winter Energy

Five Seasons TCM 3 comments

  This festive hot chocolate in collaboration with Elix Healing is the perfect treat to cozy up with in the coming cold months. In TCM, Reishi (ling zhi) is a powerful ingredient that not only boosts immunity, but also lifts the mood and spirit when the weather or our inner skies are grey. We've added goji, chocolate, and brown sugar for sustained energy, then topped it off with the Elix Stay Well Tincture, which sustains mood, energy, and immunity— all in a few drops!

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