Herbal Matcha Latte | 草本抹茶拿铁

Lulu Ge

Let’s get started with a herbal matcha latte for your morning! Here’s a personal recipe from Lulu Ge, the founder of Elix Healing. You can read our interview with her here.  Start your day with focused clarity and balance!

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Jujube Tea with Ginger | 大枣姜茶

Five Seasons TCM 1 comment

 This is a traditional Korean tea, and had during autumn and winter to prevent catching a cold. It is fragrant from the of ginger with a deep taste and  smooth texture.

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Pink Pineapple Tea for Hangover | 粉红菠萝解酒饮

Five Seasons TCM 2 comments

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pineapple is used as a remedy for food stagnation, hangover, thirst, urinary difficulties, and edema. It is sweet and sour in flavor, and neutral in thermal nature, which makes it suitable for consumption throughout the year. Del Monte Fresh sponsored us its newest creation — PINKGLOW Pineapples that are grown in Costa Rica! Its unique pink color comes from lycopene, a natural pigment and antioxidant that gives some produce its red color (e.g. tomatoes and watermelon), which makes this pineapple glow pink. This pineapple is also slightly sweeter than many other conventional varieties, and it didn’t make our mouth tingle. Here is a classic food therapy beverage...

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Qi-Tonifying & Hydrating Tea | 补气生津茶

Five Seasons TCM

This recipe was originally created by Dr. Zhimin Yang. Dr. Yang came from a family of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Nai Hai, Guangdong. She is a chief doctor of Chinese Medicine, mentors PhD students, and a renowned health care expert. She was student of the most well-known national medical masters: Dexin Yan, Xuewen Zhang and Tietao Deng. Based on the secret recipe of Dexin Yan’s herbal paste, she has invented her own customized herbal paste. As a leader of traditional Chinese medicinal health care, she is actively involved in promoting Chinese medicine culture and education. She has sophisticated clinical experience...

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Soy Milk Punch | 豆奶酒

Zoe Yang

  This soy milk punch recipe was inspired by the popular milk punches of the 17th and 18th centuries (Benjamin Franklin had his own signature milk punch). At the time, there was no refrigeration so alcohol was used to curdle and remove milk solids, producing a shelf-stable beverage that could be bottled! The process of "milk washing" is used to make most types of milk punches. It strips away any tannins and other sharp flavors from the alcohol, leaving behind a complex and silky sensation that coats your mouth and throat, as you'd find in a good Chardonnay! The milk...

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Persimmon Wine | 酒酿柿子

Zoe Yang

Nature has been making wine for thousands of years. The conversion of fruit into alcohol is a process that happens quite organically. All sugar naturally ferments and humans have simply fine tuned the system to suit our preferences, especially when it comes to wine! The grape is not the only fruit that is capable of making wine. Our ancestors realized this and created wines from herbs, rice, peaches, or even flowers! Homemade fruit wine, especially Persimmon Wine, is easier to make than you might think — the main ingredient honestly is time! From fall through winter, you can shop at...

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