Building Care Around Abortion

Written By: Yvette Ly

Edited By: Kate Downes

Artwork By: Jaclyn Kim


The fight for abortion access and gender-affirming care are rooted in the same simple belief - we are the rightful, sovereign authors of our experience in our bodies. As our team prepares for our hiatus, we put some ideas together to build care around medical abortion. Though not insulated by any means, before and long after wellness fads and political tides, Traditional Medicines have been and will continue to be a means of survival for systematically divested communities. Whatever one’s motivation for seeking abortion, we wish you a sense of ease and community in the process.

It is critical to note that these drugs should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare provider, as they can have serious side effects and complications. It is also important to have follow-up care after taking the medication to ensure the pregnancy has been fully terminated and promote healing.

What are abortion drugs?

The FDA-approved medication for abortion is a combination of two drugs known as mifepristone and misoprostol. Here's how they work:

  1. Mifepristone blocks the action of progesterone, a hormone needed for pregnancy to continue. It causes the lining of the uterus to thin and detach from the uterine wall, which can also cause the embryo to detach.
  2. Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours after mifepristone. Either taken orally or inserted vaginally, this drug causes the cervix to soften and dilate, allowing the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy.

Together, mifepristone and misoprostol effectively terminate early pregnancies, usually up to 10 weeks from the last menstrual period.

On Supporting Someone Before, During, or After Abortion

  1. Stay vigilantly self-aware of assumptions we might make about their decision, and confirm with them that our presence and support are adding value during this time.
  2. If comfortable, offer help with transportation, meals, cleaning, and care for others who may depend on them.
  3. Offer to help pay for the abortion, contact abortion funds, or research the State’s Medicaid website to find out if the procedure is covered.
  4. Help verify that the clinic they’re considering is not a crisis pregnancy center (”CPC”) misrepresenting themselves as clinics to prevent access to reproductive healthcare.
  5. Check in regularly. Make a plan to communicate when they need space and when they need company.

Eat Qi & Blood-Nourishing Foods

Before, during, and after an abortion, the body needs simple-to-digest foods that pack in extra nutrients. Eating qi and blood-nourishing foods will help to replenish loss and rebuild energy:

  • Dark leafy greens and dark-colored fruits
  • Bone broth or mushroom broth
  • Congees and soups
  • TCM ingredients like goji berries, jujube dates, black sesame seeds, and red beans

Boost Recovery with Acupuncture or Acupressure

The following acupuncture points can be used to help support post-abortion recovery:

  1. Conception Vessel (CV) 4: Located on the midline of the abdomen, this point helps balance qi and regulate the female reproductive system.
  2. Spleen 6 (SP6): Located on the inner leg, three finger widths above the ankle bone, this point helps regulate qi and blood and supports the digestive system.
  3. Kidney 3 (K3): Located on the sole of the foot, in the depression between the first and second metatarsal bones, this point helps strengthen the kidney’s energy and nourish the body’s yin energy.
  4. Liver 3 (LR3): Located on the top of the foot, between the big toe and second toe, this point helps regulate the liver’s energy and reduce anxiety.
  5. Liv 14 (LIV14): Located on the midline of the abdomen, in the soft spot between the ribcage and the hipbone, this point helps reduce tension and nourish the digestive system.

Get creative with a “confinement period”

If able, create your own version of the Chinese postpartum practice of zuo yue zi (“sitting the month” or “confinement period”). Try to:

  • Abstain from lifting heavy objects or completing physically demanding tasks
  • Stay inside for a few days, rest as much as your schedule permits
  • Eat nourishing foods
  • Stay warm and avoid ice-cold foods
  • Exercise discernment and boundaries around accepting visitors and socializing

Warm and Restore the Abdomen

Warming and relaxing practices like castor oil packs and moxibustion can help encourage healing blood flow through the uterus.

Castor Oil Pack: A castor oil pack is a practice in which a piece of cloth soaked in warm castor oil is placed on the skin to promote relaxation and stimulate circulation. Use a castor oil pack on the lower abdomen to soothe cramps or tenderness.

Moxibustion: Moxibustion is a warming, healing therapy that can be used post-abortion to regulate the female reproductive system and support tissue healing.


Written by Five Seasons TCM

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