Hydrating Pickled White Peach with Shiso and Ginger | 紫苏白桃姜

This is the ultimate sweet-tart-savor quick pickle for the summer! It can be eaten as a snack alone, accompany a savory meal, or go with a sweet beverage or dessert! It is truly a delicious and versatile dish to hydrate our body. 

Although peach is slightly warming, it is often used to reduce heat caused by overworking. It also serves to hydrate our body, moisten our intestines, and invigorate blood. Shiso and ginger, on the other hand, are great at releasing the exterior, moving qi, and helping with nausea and food poisoning that is more common in the summer. 

Courtersy to our friend @simplyjenwong for the gorgeous shiso leaves she grows, as well as the beautiful plate. 

Written by Five Seasons TCM
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