Phlegm-reducing Soy Braised Winter Melon

Winter melon is a staple at my family's dinner table. We are from Shanghai, where the summer climate is very hot and humid. My grandparents will cook winter melon often because it is able to clears summer heat, promote urination, and reduce phlegm. They add sliced winter melon to broths or braise them in soy sauce and scallion. The texture of winter melon is very unique. When it's raw, it is pretty firm and white; when it's cooked through, it becomes super tender and transparent! 

You can easily find them in Chinatown or Chinese grocers. Hope you enjoy cooking with this huge-but-super-adorable melon! Find out more about its function here

Written by Five Seasons TCM


where is the recipe?

rye on Jul 31, 2021

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