Herbal Steamed Egg with Herbal Soy-Ginger Sauce

Five Seasons TCM

Silky smooth egg topped with a salty, fresh sauce. This dish is good for your skin and your menstrual system.

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Stewed Taro with Mushroom for Fall Dryness | 蘑菇药膳煮芋艿

Five Seasons TCM

Taro is a starchy root vegetable common in Chinese and Asian cuisine. It's high in fiber and antioxidants and contains B vitamins, Zinc, Magnesium, and Iron.  It's also a slow-digesting, complex carb!  In TCM, taro is considered neutral and sweet, making it perfect for late-summer season transitioning into autumn. It moistens the Lungs and addresses dryness in the upper respiratory region.  This stewed taro in mushroom broth is fragrant and comforting. Our Five Seasons TCM Mushroom blend is also Yin-nourishing and perfect for alleviating autumn dryness. Its a great addition to a Mid-Autumn Festival meal. Taro is readily available at most Asian supermarkets! When choosing your...

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Wood Ear Mushroom Salad | 凉拌黑木耳

Five Seasons TCM

This crisp and tangy salad is perfect for Late Summer going into Autumn. Wood ear mushrooms help to hydrate and tonify the Yin, and goji berries provide immune support for temperature change. The herbs and garlic add a refreshing kick for those last hot days of summer. As with all salads, make sure to serve at room temperature, not ice-cold.

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Quick-pickled Watermelon Rind for Cooling and Digestion | 降暑腌西瓜皮

Five Seasons TCM

Watermelon is a blessing for hot summer. Its red flesh is sweet, juicy, hydrating, and cold in nature, making it excellent to quench thirst and help us cool summer heat. More than often, we waste the white portion of a watermelon: the part between the dark skin and the red flesh. In some part of China, it is called the "watermelon frost 西瓜霜". According to TCM, watermelon rind:  is sweet, bland in flavor is cold in nature enters Heart and Stomach meridian cools summer heat and quenches thirst calms agitation  promotes urination and helps with dark urine and edema helps treat...

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Hydrating Pickled White Peach with Shiso and Ginger | 紫苏白桃姜

Five Seasons TCM

This is the ultimate sweet-tart-savor quick pickle for the summer! It can be eaten as a snack alone, accompany a savory meal, or go with a sweet beverage or dessert! It is truly a delicious and versatile dish to hydrate our body.  Although peach is slightly warming, it is often used to reduce heat caused by overworking. It also serves to hydrate our body, moisten our intestines, and invigorate blood. Shiso and ginger, on the other hand, are great at releasing the exterior, moving qi, and helping with nausea and food poisoning that is more common in the summer.  Courtersy to...

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Kidney Nourishing Roasted Oyster Mushrooms | 滋阴补肾烤蚝菇

Five Seasons TCM

Oyster mushroom is considered netural and yin-nourishing in TCM food therapy. It has a great meaty, juicy texture when roasted in the oven. In this recipe, the mushrooms are coated with a rich sauce made from extra virgin olive oil, soy, and Five Seasons TCM Kidney Nourishing Powder that consists of black soybean, black sesame, and black wood ear mushroom. The end result is a creamy, nutty, fulfilling plate of roasted mushrooms that nourishes kidney yin.

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