Jujube, Walnut & Ginger Muffins

Five Seasons TCM

Nutty, chewy, and delicious while providing support for your Spleen and Stomach (The Middle Jiao).

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Sweet-savory Herbal Stewed Chestnuts

Five Seasons TCM

This recipe is a perfect choice as a topping for cakes, pies, and sweet congee. As a seasonal produce, chestnut is a great food choice to enjoy for the cold winter. It is also very beneficial for your kidney!

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Hydrating Persimmon Chutney

Five Seasons TCM

Simple spiced chutneys originated in India and can be traced back to around 500 BC, and preserving food in this manner was later adopted by the Romans. Chutneys made their way to England and France sometime in the early 1600s where they were often referred to as “mangoed” fruits and sometimes as “mangoed” vegetables. And to no surprise, fruit versions were much more popular! Chutney recipes flourished in the English speaking world and the Brits passed on their recipes to their colonies in early America and Australia. The original chutney of India (Hindi: chatni) was usually a relish made from fresh...

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Honey-Ginger Poached Pear with Elix Tofu Cream

Five Seasons TCM

This warming dessert is soothing and restorative—perfect for autumn. Pears, honey, and tofu are true TCM staples for the autumn months. Autumn is the season of metal. The air is accordingly dry and sharp during this time, making the Lungs vulnerable to dryness and excess fire. Foods like pear, honey, and tofu are powerful Yin restoratives, and inclusion of these into the diety will do wonders for dryness (including throat, nose, and skin) and respiratory problems.  We've also added ginger and cinnamon to this recpie, as well as Elix Healing's Ginger Aid Tincture. These are warming, helping the body stay strong and...

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Jujube Rice Stuffed Pear | 润燥糯米塞梨

Five Seasons TCM

pears are a perfect fruit for the autumn season. Slightly sour and cooling, pears are commonly used in TCM to moisten the Lungs, placate Heart fire, and cleanse the body of infections and toxins. They alleviate the common ailments that dry autumn weather brings, such as sinus irritations, coughs, dry skin, persistent thirst, and chapped lips.  Our beautiful Jujube Rice Stuffed Pears recipe is comforting and soothing. We’ve included other Yin-nourishing ingredients such as sticky rice, brown sugar, osmanthus flowers, and jujube dates, making this recipe powerful for soothing dry throats and hydrating the body.

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Osmanthus Goji Jelly | 桂花枸杞水晶糕

Five Seasons TCM 1 comment

This beautiful jelly dessert is bursting with floral fragrance and natural sweetness. Osmanthus flowers nourish Lung Yin and support beautiful, supple skin, while goji berries calm Liver fire and help alleviate dry eyes.  This dessert is perfect for the autumn season, and looks beautiful on any Mid-Autumn Festival table!

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