Hydrating Persimmon Chutney

Simple spiced chutneys originated in India and can be traced back to around 500 BC, and preserving food in this manner was later adopted by the Romans. Chutneys made their way to England and France sometime in the early 1600s where they were often referred to as “mangoed” fruits and sometimes as “mangoed” vegetables. And to no surprise, fruit versions were much more popular! Chutney recipes flourished in the English speaking world and the Brits passed on their recipes to their colonies in early America and Australia. The original chutney of India (Hindi: chatni) was usually a relish made from fresh fruits and spices but it can also be cooked. 

Persimmons contain tannin and lycopene, substances that have been linked to reducing risk of cancer. A tea can be made from its leaves, and its dried tops are actually a TCM herb, Shi Di, and is good at directing Stomach Qi downwards (ie: hiccups). The persimmon fruit is considered sweet and cold, is seen to moisten the Lungs to alleviate dry cough, generating fluids to relieve thirst and dry mouth, and astringe the intestines to stop diarrhea or hemorrhoids. 

Written by Five Seasons TCM
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